The Little Green Mannie Apps

Savvy Supermarket Shopper 4.0
Ever found yourself in the supermarketfacedwith a product that's on offer but because there are twodifferentsize jars or packages sizes on offer you can't figure outwhich isthe best value for money ??Savvy Supermarket Shopper is guaranteed to help you maketheright choice of value for money per package size and savemoney!!When you find yourself in that awkward position next time youarein the supermarket just open up the Savvy SupermarketShopperapp.Type in the total price of the first item and the quantity oftheitem in the package, using the unit of measure quoted onthepackage.For example - fluids - ltr, ml. weight - gram, kilo, or justthenumber of items in the package - number of washes inwashingpowder, toilet rolls or servings in the package.Then just do the same for the item you want to compare itto.Within seconds you can be saving money !!